Xcopri Patient Campaign
There are more than 1.8M patients in the U.S. who live with uncontrolled epilepsy despite being on anti-epilepsy medications. Many lose their driver's license, can't hold down a job or live alone. And yet, they tend not to self advocate for better outcomes because they see some relief from their medication. We needed to make them understand that good isn't good enough, and that they had to fight for better. The best way to do that was to hear from others like them. 

Mary Kate's story

the tuholsky family: a caregiver story

matt's story

chrissy's story

This is an example of when advertising was precisely the wrong thing to do for a client.
Heart disease is the #1 killer in the world and high cholesterol is the #1 contributor to heart disease, but even those who are diagnosed don’t really think about it because it’s asymptomatic: you don’t see it or feel it, so you don’t pay attention to it. In addition, most people who have very high cholesterol also suffer from diabetes, hypertension or obesity, and they tend to focus on those problems first, leaving their high cholesterol uncontrolled and their heart health at serious risk.
Our challenge was to re-engage this uninterested audience in their heart health and get them back on a regimen of diet, exercise and statins. But since the audience was aware of their condition, just not motivated to do much about it, we knew advertising wouldn’t work. So we had to find a different way to wake them up.
Heart Felt is a feature-length documentary film by Academy Award winning director Cynthia Wade. It was designed to start a dialogue. The content on takedowncholesterol.com, which included 30 short-form films, articles, and a behavior modification program, was designed to help our audience put their heart health back on the front burner.

"heartfelt" case film

"heartfelt" movie trailer

Breast cancer sucks. Chemotherapy sucks more. It not only kills the cancer cells, it also kills white blood cells needed to fight infection. If you get an infection, you can't stay on your scheduled chemo regimen, which then gives the edge to the cancer. And no one wants that. We were tasked with creating a compliance program that would keep these women taking their Neupogen shots once a month, so they could have a fighting chance. We were searching for a different way in when we discovered that our client's fiancee, a pharmacist by trade and Amgen employee, had all kinds of questions herself when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Bingo! So we created a completely personalized compliance program featuring her, and gave it its own DRTV platform.
If you thought breast cancer sucked, imagine recurrent breast cancer. Taxotere is a drug for women who were on their 2nd or 3rd bout. They'd heard it all. They were weary and skeptical. But we needed to give them hope and keep them compliant. Our strategy was to come at them from a completely different direction, one they didn't expect. Humor. And the way we got away with it was by being authentic. You see, one of my colleagues was a recurrent breast cancer survivor. And ironically, her actual name was Hope. So I based the program on her and her uniquely authentic voice. Aside from the amazing business impact, the campaign won a Cannes Gold Lion.
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